Agoro Esports, formerly known as Ragno Esports, is gearing up for its inaugural Esports Summit titled “Esports Development and Business in Africa,” set to take place in AMA Hall, Accra Central, Ghana on September 21, 2023.
This landmark event invites Esports enthusiasts and those aspiring to forge a career in the industry to seize the opportunity to be a part of this transformative experience.
The summit will be knowledge packed, featuring insights from accomplished leaders within the Esports space, who will delve into the latest industry trends and avenues for career advancement.
Attendees can anticipate an array of workshops spotlighting key aspects of the Esports industry, including marketing strategies and tournament organization. Also, the summit will provide a platform for networking with prominent professionals in the field, alongside fellow enthusiasts.
Official partners include Esports Association, Ghana, Motherland Gaming Tv, Glovo, and Yango, among others.
For those eager to tap into the emerging Esports trend in Africa, you can begin by registering for the summit. Follow Agoro Esports on Instagram, send a direct message containing your name and email address, and then access the registration link via their bio to join the waiting list.
Embark on this journey of growth and exploration with one of the leading Esports organizations in Africa working to shape the future of the industry.
Last Updated on August 29, 2023