The Recap of Africa Comicade 2024 Xbox Watch Party


Africa Comicade is an organisation that is built on supporting indigenous brands that are in Game development, animation and Comics amongst others. Africa Comicade organises events that bring out the beauty of their partners to the stakeholders and possible investors.

It is important to know that Afrcicomicade had a Xbox Game studio camp for Africa a day prior. The initiative of this camp started in 2023 had so many countries from far and wide in attendance. 

About Africa Comicade Xbox Watch Party

The project Manager at Africa Comicade, Faith Benson, explained the initiative was one that Microsoft Xbox brought to bring creatives from different angles of the esports scene to come and learn together.

The watch Party had developers and creatives from different parts of the world and also Xbox come in and share their knowledge of experience to the people in attendance. Brainstorming, Interaction and discussions with these experienced developers was the goal of the event and it was accomplished. the event would not be complete if food were not included and this was present in different dishes.

The watch party had so many game developers and other game influences in attendance, CTO of Nexal Gaming was present at the event and he had a great time at the event and also said the event really ticked all the boxes he had in mind and it was a great experience as a whole and hope this is an event that will be sustained for a very long period of time, to allow people learn even more.

Other attendee at the event also said they had an amazing time with the key takeaway being that they had to learn a lot from the event and discuss with fellow gamers and also talk about the potential problems that the Esports Industry is facing and a possible solution for those problems.

Oscar, founder of Africa Comicade, promised an event beyond entertaining and he delivered. The watch party was hosted in Lagos at Montgomery Yaba, Lagos, had the game developer of Tossdown, Feranmi, speaking on his experience, he expressed greatly how he was able to learn and cpnnect with other gamers in the industry. He also appreciated this discussions on the problems on the Esports scene and the talks on possible solutions.

Highlights from xbox watch party

Here are some of the highlights of the event;

More of the recap can be gotten on the social media pages of Africacomicade

Last Updated on August 4, 2024

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